Wisdom Teeth (Third Molars) Surgery
At Florey Dental Care, Canberra, we have a special interest in assessment and the safe removal of wisdom teeth. Patients from all over Canberra attend our rooms for surgical removal of wisdom teeth (third molars).
What are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth are the last of the permanent teeth to erupt; usual age of eruption is 17 – 21 years of age. A person may have none or up to four wisdom teeth. The wisdom tooth may be fully erupt, partially erupt or impacted. The position of the wisdom tooth is of interest to the dentist, since it is fairly common to have problems regarding wisdom teeth.
Literature states that there is a 7% chance in your lifetime of having a problem with an impacted wisdom tooth, although this risk seems low, the consequences can be severe. Common issues relating to wisdom teeth are tooth decay, gum infections, cysts, other bony pathology or jaw fractures.
The best time to remove impacted wisdom teeth is between 16 and 25 years of age, when the root has not fully completed and the alveolar bone is more flexible. Teeth can be removed at any age, but as patients age combined with other medical factors, healing times will become longer. Trust our expert dentists to assess your wisdom teeth.
Bad smell and taste around a wisdom tooth?
Sounds like Pericoronitis! The most common problem patients have with wisdom teeth is gum infection known as Pericoronitis. Which means Perimeter + Crown + Inflammation. This is when bacteria accumulates around the top or crown portion of the wisdom tooth, and the gums get infected. Symptoms include: soreness, swelling, bad smell and taste, pus oozing out, fever. It is important you have this cleaned out thoroughly by your dentist and antibiotic therapy as required. Once you have Pericoronitis, you are likely to have this infection again, hence it is usually indicated to remove the wisdom tooth in question.
Sedation and Anaesthetics
Local anaesthetic gels and injections are used to numb up the wisdom teeth, gums and bone before any wisdom teeth surgery.
Occasionally we prescribe oral sedatives to calm anxious patients. These sedatives relieve anxiety and cause drowsiness for up to 12 hours, so you need someone to take you home safely after the procedure.
If you are really anxious we can send you to our local private hospital for treatment under general anaesthetic (where you are unconscious during treatment).
Wisdom Teeth Removal or Extraction Costs and Fees
We would need to assess the wisdom teeth by way of visual exam and X-ray which is $65 and $120. Then removal of each wisdom tooth would cost between $220 and $500 each, depending on how it is removed. Patients with Private Health Cover, would be able to claim their benefit on the spot with our HICAPS and just pay the gap.
Care Instructions after an Extraction
1. To help the gums heal quickly, rest at home for 24 hours
2. Do not smoke or drink alcohol for one week, because smoking will delay healing
3. Do not rinse or spit for 24 hours
4. Avoid sucking on a straw or blowing your nose for one week, if you had an upper tooth extracted
5. Avoid heavy exercise for 24 hours
6. Wait until the anaesthetic has worn off before you drink anything hot, takes about 4 hours
7. Take care not to bite your lip or cheek whilst numb
8. If the gum bleeds a lot bite down firmly on gauze for 30mins
9. Do not take Aspirin (Disprin) for pain relief, as it may promote bleeding. Best pain relief is achieved with Ibuprofen (Nurofen) or Paracetamol (Panadol), taken before the anaesthetic wears off.
10. Avoid cleaning the surgical area , it is a self healing wound
Our dentists are here to assess your wisdom teeth and our provide you with the best wisdom tooth removal surgery or extraction in Florey, Belconnen, Canberra.
Please contact us on (02) 6258 2255 for all your wisdom tooth concerns
All surgical procedures carry risks, our dentists will explain how these may apply to you.